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Innovative technological contributions to sugar products and by-products

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 15 (ACN) Nearly 150 novel contributions are included in the book Resultados de los institutos cubanos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación en las tecnologías sobre azúcar y derivados (Results of Cuban research, development and innovation institutes in sugar production technology), according to specialists of the Cuban Academy of Sciences (ACC).

High-level professionals from the Cuban Research Institute of Sugar Cane Derivatives (ICIDCA) and 19 collaborators are the authors of the publication, which deserved in 2019 one of the ACC's national awards and has been used by the Cuban Institute of Sugarcane Research (ICINAZ) and the Cuba-9 Paper Mill, opened in May 1981 thanks to the collaboration of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The text includes topics on the availability of raw materials and their value chain, sugar, pulp and paper technologies, yeast, alcohol, rum, furfural, sorbitol, fructo-oligosaccharides, dextran, animal feed and boards, among others. Its contributions are backed by more than 500 publications, 83 patents and 40 commendations, according to members of its Technical Sciences Section, who describe it as an essential work and consultation tool, indispensable to our 21st century development plans to have an efficient, flexible and diversified sugar industry, based on research and innovation.

Since 1999, when the process of encouraging the results of scientific research began, 1,414 works have been awarded, with the collaboration of colleagues from Latin America, the United States and Europe.

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