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April Saturday

Twitter suspends Mesa Redonda Account

0331-cubadebate.pngHAVANA, Cuba, Mar 31 (ACN)  Twitter has again suspended the official account of the Cuban TV primetime show Mesa Redonda [the daily “Round Table” discussion with important figures on current affairs and issues],   @mesaredondacuba, an action it has taken previously at important moments in the Cuban and international news cycle.
According to the Cubadebate website, just a few months ago, in September of this past year, Twitter carried a special blackout operation against Mesa Redonda, just moments before the Cuban president was to appear with important information for the Cuban people. 
For that matter, a good number of the country’s news and other media outlets as well as dozens of journalists and personalities have reported that their accounts have been blocked. 
In another instance, on May 18, 2018, in the midst of critical coverage of an airplane accident that had just occurred, Twitter blocked the Cubadebate account. An automatic message appeared in the place of the website saying “this account has been temporarily restricted due to unusual activity.”
[It should be noted that Cubadebate is a major and well-respected online news source relied on by many in Cuba and around the world for in-depth reporting and analysis.]

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