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April Saturday

Uruguayan Leftist Front Rejects Foreign Interference against Cuba

Havana, July 16 (ACN) Uruguay’s Frente Amplio leftist organization rejected attempts of foreign interference against Cuba with the promotion of a forced humanitarian intervention.

In an official communiqué posted on the website of the organization, its members evoke the principles of non-interference and free determination of the peoples and the rejection of all kind of economic, commercial and financial blockade.

The organization also condemns statements by Uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou and affirmed the friendly links between Uruguay and Cuba.

“It is unjustified that the same ones who call a military intervention in Cuba are silent in the face of the atrocities made by governments in our continent against the people’s demonstrations.”

The Front also called on the international community to support the Cuban people and urge the lifting of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade in full respect of international law and current international convention

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