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Spanish Foundation chooses 'confinamiento' as the word of 2020

HAVANA, Cuba, Dec 29 (ACN) Confinamiento (confiment) is the word of 2020, selected from a list of twelve candidates, the Fundacion del Español Urgente (Fundeu) announced Tuesday.

The Fundeu, sponsored by the news agency Efe and advised by the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (RAE), recognized that the health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is the star of the year that is almost over.

There are many words that could define 2020, but the one chosen has affected everyone equally; practically the entire planet has been confined at some point, for more or less time, because of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it added.

In its report on the word of the year, Fundeu, created in February 2005 and also known as FundeuRAE, said that the measures implemented to stop the pandemic have radically changed the way of living and speaking.
It recalled that the RAE, in its most recent update of the Dictionary of the Spanish Language, last November, modified the introduction of the term "confinado" to adjust it to the reality that millions of people in the world have lived through the pandemic.

Among the 2020 word candidates were coronavirus, infodemia, resilience, COVID-19, teleworking, conspiracy, (a) tiktok, stataphobia, pandemic, sanitary and vaccine.

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