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April Tuesday

Achieving harmony in the coexistence with our pets

From an emotional viewpoint, having a pet is beneficial in that it makes us company and reciprocates our affection, not to mention that it also entertains.

We should keep in mind, however, that everyone has their own place, and much as we may love pets, they are not human beings. We need to create appropriate conditions for their welfare, but also see to it that the other humans at home do not catch any infectious disease.

Some people who sleep with their dog or cat—thus exposing themselves to allergies or to the mites, ticks or fleas living in the animal’s fur—should be careful and have their pet disinfected and vaccinated, since their paws, always in contact with the ground, are a hotbed of microbes and bacteria.

Sanitary authorities insist on muzzling dogs, creating their own space at home, and refraining from playing aggressive games, as well as not allowing them to swarm in common spaces in apartment buildings, because even if the owner says that the animal does not bite, potential strangers to the pet might be attacked.

Coexisting with pets also requires the owner to teach them certain rules and make them perform their bodily functions at regular times and in designated places. It was our decision to have that pet, but the neighbors should not be forced to deal with feces or urine in their building, nor with the noise that pets can make.

All pets deserve and must receive a proper treatment from their owners, who must feed and take care of them and be aware that an animal can become aggressive if it lacks enough food and water or if it is beaten and mistreated. When that happens, life with them will certainly be anything but peaceful.

They deserve love and care if we expect them to love us back.

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